Conversion Rate Optimization Tips For Your Website

Here 12 conversion rate optimization tips to help you start improving your objectives. A lot of these examples will be using WordPress of course, but most are applicable to any website. Use Effective Headlines. Increasing your website conversion rates is absolutely important to optimize your sales funnel. Check out the tips to improve your conversion rate optimization (CRO). Our Shopify Integration is available now. Simply put, Conversion Rate Optimization is about applying all possible strategies to convert all of your visitors into active customers. Mainly business owners create a website with the aim of expanding their customer base and increasing revenue. Imagine that you are the owner of a cafe.

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips For Your WebsiteRate

Since we are all living in a digital world, where the web has permeated to every aspect of our lives, it has become imminent for businesses to leverage this potent power. Every business, be it local, regional, national or international, needs to have a prominent online existence to be able to serve its target segment in a better and more fruitful manner that is mutually beneficial. This is the reason why every business website has to be functionally top grade.

Now that we have understood why every business needs to have a great website, the next step would be to attract online traffic to it which can be achieved through successful internet marketing strategies like SEO, SMM, SEM, etc. Moving another step ahead, we need to get visitors interested in a website and prompting them to take action that shall get reflected in increased revenue. When we talk of online activity we mean that when a person comes to your website, it could be signing up for your periodic newsletters, buying something like a product or service, downloading an app, registering, etc. which all amount to productive actions by a visitor that you need to measure and optimize!

What is website conversion optimization?

Website conversion optimization is using parameters like web analytics, user feedback and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess and improve the performance of your website for a better user experience and increase the percentage of passive browsers into customers. This ultimately boosts growth and results in more sales and revenue for a business.

Having defined what website conversion optimization, we need to understand in simple terms what it is all about. A website has several pages with varied content. When we talk of conversion optimization, we need to work upon various aspects of a website so that you can mobilize the traffic to your website to your advantage. Every website is desired with some action in mind. When you have a visitor on your website, he needs to take some action for your business to benefit from it. How this can be done is what website conversion optimization all about!

Why is website conversion optimization important?

Having a website is the doorway to your online presence. Every business owner has a website expecting visitors followed by some action by them that benefits their business. If your website has passive browsers, then such activity is of no use to you. You need to reach out and connect to your target segment by catering to their requirements through your website. Most businesses have a marketing budget, a sizeable portion of which is allocated for advertising and promotion across digital platforms. Since companies spend for online marketing, it is important and appropriate to get higher returns on investment (ROI) which is why no company can actually afford to neglect website conversion optimization because without conversions their investments will not get desired returns.

Important tips for website conversion optimization

Instead of focusing on increasing traffic, it is equally important to convert it! We now enlist a few important tips for effective website conversion optimization and get best results.

How To Improve Your Website Conversion Rate

Test your Call-to-Action tab or button: This is the most important part of your website that is in directly instrumental in conversions. Ensure that your call to action is a simple button in a contrast color and big font. Important information like addresses, email id, phone numbers that initiate action should be displayed in a bold clear manner.

Use Giveaways to attract more activity: Announce contests or free giveaways or trials on your website to attract conversions.

Landing page: Pay maximum attention to your landing page because this is what will first hit the visitor’s eyes. It should be impressive with good resolution images and easily readable fonts. Though automatic image sliders can convey a lot about your business, sometimes removing them works even better as they might confuse a visitor. Also use realistic and related images.


Other web pages: Check out the other web pages as well. Their loading time, relevancy of content, etc. so that they keep a visitor interested and not discourage.

Easy filters: If you have an e-commerce site with hundreds of products, keep easy filters so that visitors can easily find what they are looking for. Complicated or too many filters will put off prospective clients

Create urgency to initiate action: Create situations like limited period offer that ends in a few hours or a special offer for the first few customers so that visitors are prompted to act.

Add real reviews and testimonials: Your reviews should be real and genuine. Visitors can see through fake feedbacks and this will really not create a positive impression.

Color combinations: Check the color combinations on your website. Though contrasting colors are highly recommended, ensure that you don’t have the entire color box out there on your website. Choose the right colors for the right impact.

Reduce form fields: Keep form fields simple and short. Asking for too many details can put off visitors as they may not be comfortable sharing too much information.

Add live chats: Enable live chats on your website so that visitors can post queries and get immediate replies that help them initiate action.

Conversion rate optimization tips for your website without

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips For Your Websites

Jaspreet Saran

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips For Your Website Without

A professional digital marketer and passionate blogger. Love to learn latest techniques and trends related to internet marketing and share my first-hand experience through write-ups and visuals.