Creative Ways To Use Tag Clouds


  1. Using constraint tags in Cloud Assembly You add constraint tags to blueprints and various other components within Cloud Assembly to match capabilities defined on resources, cloud zones, and profiles to generate appropriate deployments. There are two main areas in Cloud Assembly where constraint tags are applicable.
  2. An interesting variant is the word cloud which can be used to visualize the most frequently-used words in a corpus of text. is a free service that draws attractive word clouds. Here are two of its pictures, showing the word use in two of our reports: Word cloud from of the full text of the 10 Best Applications Design report.

If desired, though, you can also use a WordPress widget to easily display all of the tags that you’ve used on your site as part of something called a tag cloud. A tag cloud is basically a big list of the tags used on your site, oftentimes with more frequently used tags marked by larger text ( though the exact styling depends on your specific.

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You can use tags to label products, transfers, customers, orders, draft orders, and blog posts. After you add tags, you can use them for searching and filtering to help you stay organized while working in Shopify. Customers can't see tags, but your online store search uses tags to categorize products and organize search results for customers.

One way you can use tags is to group related products so you can make changes to them more quickly. For example, you could add the 'Summer' tag to related products. At the end of the season, you could search for the 'Summer' tag on your Products page to get a list of summer products, and use a bulk action to hide them from your sales channels.


Try using tags to group related items so you can view them all at once: orders using a particular shipping method, customers who accept email marketing, or products from a particular manufacturer.

Tag types

You can create a custom set of tags for each section in Shopify where tags are used. When you create a tag in a particular section, it won't be copied to the other sections where tags are used. For example, you might want to organize orders by tags like packed or test, but use tags like tax exempt or wholesale to describe some of your customers. Each type of tag corresponds to the section it can organize:

Types of tags
ProductAdd and remove tags for a product on its details page. View all product tags from any product details page. Filter products by tag on the Products page and the Inventory page. Use product tags as selection criteria when you're building an automatic collection, or as filters when you're creating a menu. When a customer searches for a term that matches a product tag, the tagged products will appear in search results, although the tags are invisible to customers. You can apply up to 250 tags to each product.
TransferAdd and remove tags for a specific transfer on its details page. View all transfer tags from any transfer details page. Filter transfers by tag on the Transfers page.
OrderAdd and remove tags for a specific order on its details page. Filter orders by tag on the Orders page.
Draft orderAdd and remove tags for a specific draft order on its details page. View all draft order tags from any draft order details page.Filter draft orders by tag on the Draft orders page. When you create an order from a draft order, its tags are carried over and added as order tags.
CustomerAdd and remove tags for specific customers on their details pages. View all customer tags from any customer details page. Filter customers by tag on the Customers page.
Blog postAdd and remove tags for a specific blog post on its details page. Filter blog posts by tag on the Blog posts page.

Add a tag

You can add a tag when you are creating or editing products, transfers, orders, draft orders, customers, or blog posts.


  1. Open the specific product, transfer, order, draft order, customer, or blog post details page in Shopify.
  2. In the Tags section, enter the name of a tag you want to add, or select it from the list of existing tags. If you enter the name for a new tag, then it will automatically be created for future use in the section.
  3. Click Save.


Tags that are associated with orders and draft orders can have up to 40 characters. Tags that are associated with products, customers, transfers, and blog posts can have up to 255 characters. Tags aren't case sensitive. For example, Approved and approved are the same tag. Use only ordinary letters, numbers, and hyphens (-) in your tags. Accented characters and other symbols can exclude search results.

You can also add a tag from the full list that appears when you click View all tags on the product, transfer, draft order, or customer details page.



  1. In the Tags section, click View all tags.
  2. Select a tag from the list.
  3. Click Apply changes.


Try using tags for items you might need to find quickly: phone orders, customers who need support, or seasonal products.

Remove a tag

You can remove a tag from products, transfers, orders, draft orders, customers, or blog posts.


  1. Open the specific product, transfer, order, draft order, customer, or blog post details page in Shopify.
  2. Click the x beside the name of a tag that you want to remove. The tag will be removed only from the specific product, transfer, order, draft order, customer, or blog post.
  3. Click Save.

You can also remove a tag from the full list that appears when you click View all tags on the product, transfer, draft order, or customer details page:

Creative Ways To Use Tag Clouds Youtube

  1. In the Tags section, click View all tags.
  2. Click the x beside the name of a tag that you want to remove.
  3. Click Apply changes.

Search by tag in Shopify

You can search for a tag that you have added to a product, transfer, order, draft order, customer, or blog post to help you find something more quickly. The search will return any results matching the tag. If you have created a tag but it isn't added to anything, then no search results will appear.


Creative Ways To Use Tag Clouds Pdf

  1. Enter the name of the tag in the Shopify search bar.
  2. View the matching results, and select a result to view it in detail.

Filter by tag

You can use relevant tags to filter the lists on the Products, Transfers, Draft orders, Customers, and Blog posts pages. You can also use product tags to filter the list of variants on the Inventory page.

To filter orders by tag, refer to Filter your orders.


  1. On the relevant page, click the drop-down menu to apply a filter.
  2. Under Select a filter..., select the Tagged with option to filter by tag.
  3. Enter the name of the tag you want to use as a filter.
  4. Click Add filter to view a list of items with that tag.

When you apply more than one filter to a list, only the items that match all the filters appear in the filtered list. An item that doesn't match one or more of the filters won't appear in the filtered list.

Creative Ways To Use Tag Clouds

Other ways to use tags

There are more ways to use tags and stay organized:

  • Create an automated collection using tags.
  • Tag products to help customers find them in your online store search.
  • Filter with tags when you are creating a link to a collection in your online store navigation.
  • Use a bulk action to add and remove tags for multiple items.


A tag cloud is a bunch of tags placed together each of them marks a page or a category. So you should think of it as just a list of links. If there are too much links that wouldn’t be a useful thing and if they don’t it can be a little bit of work to make it function and if you used kinds like flash it could be harder to extract links from there. So you can use tag clouds but you should think on the technologies to use, on suitable keywords and pages that you’ll link to it.
Creative Ways To Use Tag Clouds

Matt's answer:

Creative Ways To Use Tag Clouds Using

Well, the thing to think about, first off, what is the tag cloud? Typically, you might have a blog or something like that, and then over here in the right-hand sidebar or over on the left sidebar you’ll see a whole bunch of different tags that have been used to mark the difference blog posts. And sometimes the tags are little bigger if they get more, if they been used more or sometimes a little smaller.

So what is a tag cloud? Well, typically that’s really just a list of links. Now, can tag clouds be overdone? Yes, they can. Certainly, if you have like 500 tags in your tag cloud that can look a little bit like keyword stuffing, especially because it’s completely arbitrary words all just sort of jumbled together. Also if you have a tag cloud that’s completely some weird sort of flash, you know, and they’re spinning all around. That can be really fun for users, but I wouldn’t necessarily expect that we can always extract those links and be able to flow a page rank through them.


But the way to think of a tag cloud is really, it’s a list of links. And so that can be good or it can be bad for your site. If you overdo it, for example, the keyword stuffing, then maybe we don’t trust those links as much.

It could impact the ranking of your page

If it is just small number of tags, then it probably won’t have an impact in terms of hurting your ranking or anything like that, but it is still a number of links on your page and page rank will flow out through them. So if you’d rather have page flow through your site, you might want to have your page rank flow into your individual blog post rather than have things tagged as SEO or things tagged as Google or whatever. So, if you’ll notice I have category pages on my blog.

I tend not to have tag clouds

They were very popular a while ago, but not that many users really seem to notice them or use them that heavily these days. It can be a little bit of work to set up, and then sometimes you are sending a massive amount of links to various parts of your site, and you’re not deliberately thinking at what are the parts of my site that I really want to send me page rank to.

For me personally I tend to lean a little bit away from using tag clouds. It’s not as if they usually cause any harm, although if you have a ton of them and they can hinder your efforts because it can show up a little bit almost as if it keyword stuffing. So, feel free to use them, but think about those sorts of factors whenever you’re deciding how big to make your tag clouds, what technologies to use, what tags to use, all those sorts of things.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team

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