Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet?

  1. Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Gone
  2. Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Completed
  3. Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Not Forgotten
  4. Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Will
  5. Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Done

After responding to Matthew’s post about his experience with Fiverr I was asked to expand on how to use Fiverr – so a thanks goes out to Matt for this opportunity.

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As I mentioned in my comment in the original post, I’m a firm believer that you do in fact get what you pay for.

The problem with Fiverr is that people who use it automatically equate the name of the site with what they feel they should pay.

Going into this post, it’s important to adopt the view that $5 is actually your starting point.

Even if you come away paying $15, $25 or even $40 for some of the services you take on, you’re getting them far below market rate.

Hard n’ Fast Rules Before We Start:

1. When feasible, you should delegate more time-consuming tasks to people in developing countries simply for the fact that the lower cost of living affords them the luxury of not having to rush through your gig.

2. Always go for high rating first:

3. Don’t be excessively picky: If a seller has 1,200 positive reviews and 3 bad ones, chances are likely that that it was the buyer was being difficult.

With that out of the way, here’s a breakdown, by category, of gigs that will enhance your blog and help you to grow very quickly.

How to Use Fiverr to Get Traffic

When people start a new blog, they immediately start thinking about how they’re going to reach the summit of Google mountain (and the other major search engines). Quite a lofty goal.

But there’s another search engine people neglect in a big way.

It’s actually the search engine you should be focusing on most because unlike Google, Bing and Yahoo!, the people using this search engine are BUYERS.

In case you haven’t guessed what search engine I’m talking about (fair enough given that it’s not formally considered a search engine) it’s Amazon.

As a blogger, you have to establish your expertise and credibility and nothing does that better than having books with your name on it…even if it’s a Kindle-only release.

Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet?

Publishing a Kindle book is 1-2-3 easy and Amazon has laid out very simple instructions to guide you every step of the way.

One small hitch is that Kindle’s uploading system doesnot accept MS Word or PDF files – you’ll have to get your work converted into a .MOBI file.

For Kindle book formatting, I swear by Ginar.

Other providers on Fiverr will give you a higher page count than Ginar’s, but the quality of her work is tops and she always delivers in a very timely manner. Totally worth the extra scratch.

Don’t forget to include lead-generation mechanisms in your book so you can track how many new leads you’re getting.

What I love most about Kindle, is that it’s the only place I know of where you get PAID to grow an audience.


Leveraging Everything You Have

Many bloggers are turning to video and audio content, which always helps boost extra traffic and improve bounce rates.

However, not everyone is in a situation to consume live content. That’s why many bloggers have their live content transcribed into PDF files.

This has a duel value because once you have your content transcribed, you can just as easily have them converted into Kindle books to drive extra traffic to your site.

This is easily one of the best values I’ve found on Fiverr yet: Transcribe ten minutes of audio or video for $5

The average market rate for the transcription of a one-hour audio file will set you back $66. Gabby’s awesome work saves you more than 50%.

Of all the transcribers I’ve tried on Fiverr, Gabby nailed it in a big way and listened very well to the instructions I gave her (which is something not all Fiverr sellers do well).

Establishing a closer connection with your blog’s readers

Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Gone

I can’t remember who recommended it to me, but a fellow entrepreneur had told me that when he experimented with cartoons and caricatures, it had a “disarming” effect with his site visitors.

Upon hearing this, I chose to take a chance and have a caricature done of myself and sure as hell, I got positive comments. People sensed a playful nature in me and that helped establish trust a little faster than usual.

How to Use Fiverr to Get Additional WordPress Help

Readers of Matthew’s blog are aware that he stands by WordPress (as do I), but anyone who’s been using the platform long enough knows that some not-so-simple problems sometimes pop-up.

This gentleman totally solved my problem within three hours of ordering the gig: Fix your WordPress CSS issue for $5

CSS errors are one of the most common issues, even with some of the best themes.

So next time you find a new theme you absolutely love, but there’s something wrong with the sidebar, don’t ditch it for another theme you’re not as crazy about – get in touch with Rashid and he’ll likely be able to correct what’s wrong with the code.

How to Use Fiverr to Expand Your Blog’s Reach Offline

Sure, you can focus on SEO or PPC to build your site’s reach, but there’s a lot to be said about going offline.

I’ve tested flyers and yes, they do work. What I can’t believe is how many flyers you can have distributed for just $5.

If you’re willing to plunk down $20, some people will completely wallpaper high-traffic neighborhoods in their town with your message.

The vast majority of our population works for a living, meaning that no matter how popular online culture may be, radio is still king of the workplace and the commute to work – so take advantage of it:

How to Use Fiverr to Multiply Your Efforts

A successful blog is an active blog. Trouble is, not all of us have the time to crank out content on the mainstream media level.

That’s where the extra troops come in to help write content for your blog.

Before moving forward, I want to add a caveat.

Have you heard of fiverr yet doneHave You Heard Of Fiverr Yet?

Even some of the best article writers on Fiverr will not give you exactly what you want.

At $5 per article, they don’t have time to learn your blog’s culture and mesh with it.

However, many of the best writers completely understand the nuts-and-bolts of effective SEO.

So when hiring writers on Fiverr, be ready to go over their work and breath your “voice” into their work.

Even if you have to spend five or ten minutes to tune the article up according to your blog’s voice, it’s totally worth it.

Think about it – if you could afford $25 a week, that’s one blog post for each business day.

Make it $35 a week and you have new content every day of the week.

Now let’s say it takes you an average of 40 minutes to write a blog post, then you spend about three hours and thirty three minutes a week on writing content.

Are you a seven-day-a-week blogger? Then you’re spending close to five hours a week on your writing. However, if you spend only ten minutes polishing up someone else’s work, a week’s worth of posts will cost you about one hour of your time.

Here are the top-rated article writers on Fiverr.

How to Use Fiverr to Engineer Virality

While I’ve never achieved the million+ viral explosion for my content, I’ve managed several “mini” hits.

You don’t need a tidal wave of virality to get good results.

So what’s the best way to engineer virality?

Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Completed

By getting people who do things that are proven to engage the internet community.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Lisa Marie – Sexy Kickboxer extraordinaire – I got Lisa Marie to do a video for the One Hour Startup and yes, it had a positive impact on bounce rates. Though the video is no longer featured on our website, it served its purpose well.

The chainsaw juggler: Know what? I’m not even going to write about him. This is one of those see-it-to-believe it deals:

While this video is not strange in any way, it’s a great example of the incredible talent you can find on Fiverr and how you can use it to brand your blog.

“Want Fries With That?”

What are you using your blog to promote? A product or a service?

If the answer is a service, read on.

As readers of Build Your Own Blog know, Matthew’s a freelance copywriter and as such, he’s charged with helping his clients improve their sales in every way possible.

At the same time, Matthew’s in a situation where he’s trading his time for money and since no one has a finite supply of time, he needs to leverage his assets.

As a service provider, there are numerous services on Fiverr you can add to your menu of services at a mark-up.

Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Not Forgotten

Let’s say Matthew’s talking to a potential client who’s interested in having a sales letter written.

At one point in the call, said client mentions he has five hours of audio he needs to get transcribed for the project he’s looking to hire Matthew for.


Matthew can offer to also help with the transcription at a charge of $60 to $70 an hour and pocket an extra $150 in the process.

Not a fortune, but he just filled the fridge with a couple of clicks.

Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Will

In conclusion, Fiverr may not be not perfect, but it’s a cost-effective way to build a business, grow your network of contacts and even generate extra streams of income.

Author Bio:

Have You Heard Of Fiverr Yet Done

John Breese is the founder of the One Hour Startup. As a direct response marketer and WordPress aficionado, John is devoted to helping entrepreneurs learn the skills they need to build easy-to-manage home businesses.