Pandemic 2?

  1. Pandemic 2 Game
  2. Pandemic 2 Movie

Similar to a board game, action is imagined but clear and moving! This game is all about strategy! Various versions of the game are available for PC and Mac desktops/laptops. We are describing the web version here.

Pandemic 2?Pandemic 2?

You are a pathogen. You can choose to be a bacterium, virus or a parasite. Your goal is to kill everyone in the whole world. You must avoid letting humans find a cure against you. You must avoid detection. etc. You do this by choosing traits for your pathogen-self that allow you to spread unnoticed until it's too late... for example. Which country you choose to start in, what kind of pathogen you are, etc. all affect your success and require different strategic maneuvers.

Pandemic 2 Game

Pandemic 2 is a free game about the spread of a dangerous pandemic in the modern age. This is a strategy game about the danger and threat of an aggressive virus as it slowly spreads its way across the globe. Youtube makes this video start 20 seconds in sometimes. Please rewind if that happens to you. Colbert asks, what's coming five years from now?

Big News: Pandemic 2.5 is in development for iPhones everywhere! Find out more on my site! Finally after months of development and balancing and testing, Pandemic II is here! I've tried my very best to ensure the game has surpassed the original in every possible way. Now its up to you to evolve your disease, infect mankind and kill them all! Pandemic Perseverance. Not to be deterred from getting out on the racecourse, the clubs and regattas adapted to shifting COVID-19 restrictions to get sailors on the water safely.

Pandemic 2 Movie

And yes, there is another game that is very similar to this one. This game Pandemic came out first, in 2008. The new game that you can play on iPad or Andoid is called Plague Inc. The new game, plague is more easy to pick up and play: so if you have a class of 5th graders and some tablets, Plague Inc. is your game. Additionally, Plague Inc. makes it more clear how changes in pathogen's characteristics affects spread of disease. There are numerous reviews that compare both games, and discuss how copycat games can improve a game... for kids who may want to become video game developers in the future, these two game are a good study. Technology development is a standard in most states. Why not consider how the existence and reasonable success of one product makes another one simpler to develop. A rather straight forward teaching opportunity I think... Arguments? Ideas?